shade garden food plants
Just because you have a shade garden doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own food! here are 38 edible or useful plants that you can grow even in the shade! related posts: 15 reliable and edible plants for the forgetful gardener; beautiful front yard gardens save you time and money; 5 beautiful plants for your garden that bees love. This perennial is a beautiful flower that loves the shade. it also brings along a special quality when planted. so if you are a butterfly lover then this plant is for you. when you plant these flowers, they draw them which is a great addition to any yard or flower garden. 6. foxglove. 5. try growing shade loving vegetables in portable pots and move them around to take advantage of seasonal shady zones.. 6. check soil moisture if you are interplanting vegetables in garden beds under taller shrubs or trees. the root systems of these plants may soak up water faster, leaving little for your vegetables..shade garden food plants