shed roof rafter span calculator
Our roof rafter calculator tools are handy for calculating the number of rafters needed, rafter length calculator, lineal feet of rafter, board feed in ridge and sub-facia,and the total board feet in the roof. rise and run means that a 6/12 pitch roof has 6" of rise (vertical) for each foot of run (horizontal).. Publications | calculators & software | building codes | fire safety | span tables | decks | weights and measurement codes & standards > calculators & software >. It is possible to calculate a birdsmouth near the top of the rafter for a freestanding shed roof by checking the kneewall checkbox and entering a setback for the kneewall that positions the upper birdsmouth in the desired location. to calculate a shed roof select shed from the roof type dropdown list or click on the corresponding button on the.shed roof rafter span calculator Lean to shed rafter calculator (into a wall) posted on by . calculate the length of lean to shed roof rafters for any common roof pitch when the top of the rafters stop into a wall. it includes the rise and works in feet and inches or metric values. how to calculate a lean to rafter.. Calculate the length of a rafter from the roof slope ratio of inches per foot, and a building width measurement. includes result for hip/valley factor, slope factor and the roof slope in degrees. if you add an eaves overhang dimension then the amount the rafter sticks passed the wall will be added to the rafter length..