pole barn questions
Pole barn questions & answers. a do-it-yourself pole barn is an amazing new concept in pole barn construction, and we are here to help you every step of the way! below is a list of 20 of the most common questions diy pole barns customers have regarding many aspects of the do-it-yourself pole barn process.. Pole barn questions we havent built a large pole barn since i was a young kid and we want to make sure we are still on the right track with everything. 1) when putting your posts in the ground is their a separate requirement for how deep to put them in the ground besides just making sure you are below the frost line?. 8 quick questions to ask when investing in a pole barn. will my building be fully-engineered? be sure all of your building’s components are engineered to work together and to last – this entails a complete building system, designed specifically for your site, with your openings and sealed by an rdp (registered design professional – engineer or architect)..pole barn questions